Blueberry Muffin 蓝莓麦芬 (纸杯蛋糕)
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Blueberry Muffin 蓝莓麦芬 (纸杯蛋糕)

  • Preparation time: 15 minutes 准备时间:15分钟
  • Baking time: 20 minutes 烘培时间:20 分钟
  • Difficulty Level: ** 难度:**
  • Butter 170g 黄油 170克
  • Sugar 150g 糖150克
  • Milk 170ml 牛奶180毫升
  • Egg x 1 蛋 1个
  • Plain flour 280g 中筋面粉 280克
  • Baking powder 2.5 teaspoons 泡打粉 2.5茶匙
  • Salt half teaspoon 盐 半茶匙
  • Blueberry 120g (80g-160g depending on your taste!) 新鲜蓝莓120克 (多点少点没关系)
How to Bake
  1. Preheat oven to 200degC, combine flour, baking powder and salt, silft. Beat egg lightly 在烤箱预热200度, 将面粉,泡打粉和盐混合筛过备用。 蛋打成蛋汁备用。
  2. Mix butter and sugar in a big mixing bowl, using mixer to make it smooth (sugar disolved), pour milk and beaten egg into it a little at a time.. 在搅拌盆中混合黄油和糖,用搅拌器搅拌至光滑,砂糖溶解,分次加入牛奶和打好的单汁,均匀搅拌。
  3. Add the flour into batter, mix until no lump.加入过筛的面粉混合物,用橡皮刀翻至无颗粒状。
  4. Gently fold in the blueberries into batter. 两将蓝莓倒入面糊,混 和均匀。
  5. Spoon mixture into baking tray and bake for 20 minutes. 烤盘铺上纸杯,将面糊倒进纸杯中,入烤箱20分钟即可。
Data sheet