Pork Rib, Abalone and Lotus Root Soup 排骨鲍片莲藕汤
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Pork Rib, Abalone and Lotus Root Soup 排骨鲍片莲藕汤

  • Preparation time: 10 minutes 准备时间:10分钟
  • Cooking time: 2 hours 烹饪时间: 2小时)
  • Difficulty Level: *** 难度:***
  • Serves 2 两人份
  • 1 pork rib, 500-600g  一块猪肋排,500-600克左右
  • 4-5 slices of dry abalone 4块干鲍鱼片
  • 40 g dry scollops 40克干贝
  • 1 carrot 1条胡萝卜
  • 1 lotus root 1个莲藕
  • 5 slices ginger 5片生姜
  • 2 tablespoon rice wine 2汤匙料酒
How to Cook
  1. Bring a stockpot of water to the boil. Add 2 slices of ginger and 1 tablespoon of rice wine, add pork rib and boil for 5 minutes. Strain and set aside.  用汤锅烧开半锅水,放入两片姜和一汤匙料酒。放入猪肋排煮5分钟左右,撂出洗净放置一边。
  2. Place pork rib with 10 cups water back into the pot, add rest of ginger, dry scollops and abalone, bring to boil, add 1 tablespoon rice wine. Reduce heat, simmer for 1.5 hours. During this time, skim any fat. 重新起个汤锅,放入10杯水,放入牛尾与葱姜,加热至水开,加料酒。转为小火墩一个半小时。在此期间,可以将表面浮油捞出。
  3. Peel off the skin of lotus root and slice, slice carrots. 莲藕去皮,切厚片,胡萝卜切片,备用
  4. Put lotus root, and carrots into the soup, bring to the boil then reduce heat, simmer for 30-40 minutes. No need to add salt if you use dry scollops, otherwise add salt to your own taste 将莲藕和胡萝卜放入锅中,开大火烧开之后,转小火继续镦30-40分钟。如果用了干贝,就不需要另外加盐了。

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