Gratin dauphinois 奶香焗烤马铃薯
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Gratin dauphinois 奶香焗烤马铃薯

  • Preparation time: 15 minutes 准备时间:15分钟
  • Cooking time: 50-60 minutes 烹饪时间:50-60 分钟
  • Difficulty Level: ** 难度:**
  • Serve:2 两人份
  • 800g potatoes 800克马铃薯
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed 2片蒜,压碎
  • 55g grated Gruyere cheese 55克搓碎的葛鲁耶尔乳酪
  • a bit of nutmeg 一小撮肉豆蔻粉
  • 300ml double (thick/heavy) cream 200毫升奶油
  • 100ml milk 70毫升牛奶
How to Cook
  1. Preheat the oven to 170degC (no fan). Thinly slice the potatoes with a sharp knife. Butter a 16cm x 16cm ovenproof dish and layer the potatoes, sprinkling the garlic, cheese, nutmeg and seasoning between the layers and leaving a bit of cheese for the top. Pour the cream and milk over the top and sprinkle with the cheese.
  2. Bake for 55 minutes, or until the potatoes are completely cooked and the liquid absorbed. If the top browns too much, cover loosely with foil. Leave to rest for 10 minutes before serving.
    烤55 分钟左右,或者等土豆完全烤熟并且液体完全吸收。如果土豆表面过焦,
How to Cook
  1. To marinade beef, put beef into a bowl with mixture A, marinade for 20 minutes 牛肉加入腌料a,拌匀后腌20分钟;
  2. Heap up a wok with 2 tablespoons oil until very hot, stir fry beef for two minutes over high heat. Add spring onion (green parts only), stir fry another minute. Remove with a wire sieve or slotted spoon and drain.
  3. Repeat with 1 teaspoon of oil and add garlic and chilli, stir for 10 seconds, or until fragrant. Add mixture B and bring to boil, add beef back to wok and stir for a few seconds over high heat. Transfer beef to a plate, serve with sliced onion on top. 原锅放1小匙油,放蒜蓉和红辣椒丁爆香后加入B调料,待调料翻滚时拌入牛肉,大火翻炒。盛出后,点缀葱白丝。
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